Thursday, February 28, 2019

motivational quotes by famous people

“If at first you don’t succeed, you’re doing it wrong. Learn from the experience. Try again, but with a different approach.”

“The most dangerous irony is, people are angry with others because of their own incompetence.” 

“When you are just EXISTING, life happens to you… and you manage; when you are truly LIVING, you happen to life… and you lead.”

Hindi Poems Poetry

हाँ थोड़ा थक गया हूँ दूर निकलना छोड दिया,
पर ऐसा नही की मैंने चलना छोड़ दिया।
फासले अक्सर रिश्तो में दूरी बढ़ा देते है,
पर ये नही की मैंने दोस्तों से मिलना छोड दिया।
हां जरा अकेला हूँ दुनिया की भीड मे,
पर ऐसा नही है कि मैंने दोस्ताना छोड दिया।
याद तुम्हें करता हूं दोस्तों और परवाह भी,
बस कितनी करता हूं ये बताना छोड़ दिया।।

Love quotes by famous people

Don't forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally.

True love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process. It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried together, laughed together.

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.

Positive quotes by famous people

I have only had positive interactions in relation to my impressions of people, which I'm happy because I do them with love, and I hope that the people who I do them of really like them.

I never think of yesterday. Can't do anything about it. I'm a positive guy. When you really deep down look at it, we go to bed every night, get up every morning, stay here for 70 or 80 years, and then we die.

That's the primary mission of ours: to protect the border, enhance the border, and capitalize on what the border has to offer. It's the source of jobs, source of positive immigration stories.

2 Line collection in hindi

ये मत समझ कि तेरे काबिल नहीं हैं हम,

तड़प रहे हैं वो जिसे हासिल नहीं हैं हम।

हम जा रहे हैं वहां जहाँ दिल की हो क़दर,

बैठे रहो तुम अपनी अदायें लिये हुए।

तेरी मोहब्बत को कभी खेल नहीं समझा,

वरना खेल तो इतने खेले है कि कभी हारे नहीं।

चलो आज फिर थोडा मुस्कुराया जाये,

बिना माचिस के कुछ लोगो को जलाया जाये।

रहते हैं आस-पास ही लेकिन पास नहीं होते,

कुछ लोग मुझसे जलते हैं बस ख़ाक नहीं होते।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

My tastes and inspirational artists were always rather eclectic and diverse.

The hymn 'Amazing Grace' is so inspirational - I wish I'd written it.

This CD became something of a personal journey for me. The tone of the whole CD is uplifting and inspirational. It's an upper. We have enough downers in the world.

Life quotes by famous people

God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease.

All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.

The true object of all human life is play. Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sad Shayari in hindi

Chu le aasman zameen ki talash na kar,
Jee le zindgi khusi ki taalash na kar,
Taqdeer badal jayegi khud hi mere dost,
Mushkurana seekh le wajah ki taalash na kar.

छु ले आसमान जमीन की तलाश न कर,
जी ले जिंदगी खुशी की तलाश न कर,
तकदीर बदल जाएगी खुद ही मेरे दोस्त,
मुस्कुराना सीख ले वजह की तलाश न कर.

motivational quotes by famous people

“What good has impatience ever brought? It has only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation.” 

“We can't help the way we're born. We can't help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves.” 

“Every challenge you encounter in life is a fork in the road. You have the choice to choose which way to go - backward, forward, breakdown or breakthrough.” 

Hindi Poems Poetry

मेहनत से उठा हूँ, मेहनत का दर्द जानता हूँ,
आसमाँ से ज्यादा जमीं की कद्र जानता हूँ।

लचीला पेड़ था जो झेल गया आँधिया,
मैं मगरूर दरख्तों का हश्र जानता हूँ।

छोटे से बडा बनना आसाँ नहीं होता,
जिन्दगी में कितना जरुरी है सब्र जानता हूँ।

मेहनत बढ़ी तो किस्मत भी बढ़ चली,
छालों में छिपी लकीरों का असर जानता हूँ।

बेवक़्त, बेवजह, बेहिसाब मुस्कुरा देता हूँ,
आधे दुश्मनो को तो यूँ ही हरा देता हूँ!!

काफी कुछ पाया पर अपना कुछ नहीं माना,
क्योंकि एक दिन राख में मिलना है ये जानता हूँ।

Love quotes by famous people

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.

Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow.

Don't forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally.

Positive quotes by famous people

I think being negative is being positive. You can't improve without stating the problem.

I think a lot of times we don't pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled.

But in fact if you look at film as a metaphor, only through the negative can you have the positive print. What I'm trying to get to is the positive value of negation.

2 Line collection in hindi

बेमतलब की जिंदगी का सिलसिला ख़त्म,
अब जिस तरह की दुनिया उस तरह के हम।

ज़मीं पर रह कर आसमां छूने की फितरत है मेरी,
पर गिरा कर किसी को, ऊपर उठने का शौक़ नहीं मुझे।

हमारी हैसियत का अंदाज़ा तुम ये जान के लगा लो,
हम कभी उनके नही होते, जो हर किसी के हो जाए।

अपनी शख्शियत की क्या मिसाल दूँ यारों
ना जाने कितने मशहूर हो गये मुझे बदनाम करते करते।

इतना भी गुमान न कर अपनी जीत पर ऐ बेखबर,
शहर में तेरे जीत से ज्यादा चर्चे तो मेरी हार के हैं।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

You never know when some small thing will lead to a big idea. Travel is very inspirational - but it's in the ordinary that I find my themes of love and work and family.

We work to create a new wave of feminism that is more inclusive. I want others to feel equal. It's so great to see women in positions of power, which is why other artists, such as Marilyn Minter, are so inspirational to me.

I have a 1969 Grammer Johnny Cash acoustic guitar, and it's so inspirational.

Life quotes by famous people

I don't trip on that much. I just like to enjoy life and be happy.

Sometimes we let life guide us, and other times we take life by the horns. But one thing is for sure: no matter how organized we are, or how well we plan, we can always expect the unexpected.

Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Sad Shayari in hindi

Zindagi ke uljhe sawalo ke jawab dhoondta hoon,
Kar sake jo dard kam,Wo nasha dhoondta hoon,
Waqt se majboor ,haalat se lachar hoon main,
Jo dede jeene ka bahana aisi raah dhundhta hoon!

ज़िन्दगी के उलझे सवालो के जवाब ढूंढता हु,
कर सके जो दर्द कम, वोह नशा ढूंढता हु,
वक़्त से मजबूर, हालात से लाचार हु मैं,
जो देदे जीने का बहाना ऐसी राह ढूंढता हु!

Good Morning Friends

Safar Wahi Tak Hain Jaha Tak Tum Ho,
Nazar Wahi Tak Hain Jaha Tak Tum Ho,
Phool Bahut Dekhe Hain Is Gulshan Mein,
Khusbu Wahi Tak Hain Jaha Tak Tum Ho. 💐 💕

सफर वहीं तक है जहाँ तक तुम हो,
नजर वहीं तक है जहाँ तक तुम हो,
हजारों फूल देखे हैं इस गुलशन में मगर,
खुशबू वहीं तक है जहाँ तक तुम हो. 💐 💕

motivational quotes by famous people

“Every sunrise is priceless and you can experience the richness that life holds only when you live life to the full instead of just being an onlooker.” 

“The more you can have control over your ego rather than let it run amuck, the more successful you’ll be in all areas of life.” 

“How would your life be different began each day by thanking someone who has helped you? Let today be the day...You make it a point to show your gratitude to others. Send a letter or card, make a call, send a text or email, tell them in whatever you have to do to let them know you appreciate them.” 

Hindi Poems Poetry

तमन्ना छोड़ देते हैं, इरादा छोड़ देते हैं,
चलो एक दूसरे को फिर से आधा छोड़ देते हैं,
उधर आँखों में मंज़र आज भी वैसे का वैसा है,
इधर हम भी निगाहों को तरसता छोड़ देते हैं,
हमीं ने अपनी आँखों से समन्दर तक निचोड़े हैं,
हमीं अब आजकल दरिया को प्यासा छोड़ देते हैं,
हमारा क़त्ल होता है, मुहब्बत की कहानी में,
या यूँ कह लो के हम क़ातिल को ज़िंदा छोड़ देते हैं,
हमीं शायर हैं, हम ही तो ग़ज़ल के शाहजादे हैं,
तआरुफ़ इतना देकर बाक़ी मिसरा छोड़ देते हैं।

Love quotes by famous people

Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.

Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow.

Positive quotes by famous people

Sexy in India is not considered positive. But, with today's crop of fresh faces in the modelling arena, being sexy is an asset.

Each of us can provide a positive example to others in our lives, and that's powerful. When I visit those with difficult health conditions, I do my best to provide them with positive motivation because I know I was so inspired by people who showed support for me.

I have had positive experiences with cameras. When I have been asked to join experiments using cameras in the courtroom, I have participated; I have volunteered.

2 Line collection in hindi

दुश्मनों को सज़ा देने की एक तहज़ीब है मेरी,
मैं हाथ नहीं उठाता बस नज़रों से गिरा देता हूँ।

बेवक़्त, बेवजह, बेहिसाब मुस्कुरा देता हूँ,
आधे दुश्मनो को तो यूँ ही हरा देता हूँ।

खोटे सिक्के जो अभी अभी चले हैं बाजार में,
वो कमियाँ निकाल रहे हैं मेरे किरदार में।

अभी शीशा हूँ सबकी आँखों में चुभता हूं,
जब आईना बनूँगा सारा जहाँ देखेगा।

हम बसा लेंगें एक दुनिया किसी और के साथ,
तेरे आगे रोयें अब इतने भी बेगैरत नहीं हैं हम।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

Hopefully, when people see 'Senna', they will understand why this inspirational story needed to be told, why it had to be made as a movie for the big screen, and why it is a film for everyone.

I used to think I was a gay man with this idea of a muse in my head, like a woman that I thought was inspirational or aspirational. But the woman was actually me.

I feel like music itself is inspirational enough. Especially with the Internet. Not to sound like a shut-in.

Life quotes by famous people

The struggle of my life created empathy - I could relate to pain, being abandoned, having people not love me.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

You have to really use your imagination to refresh your daily life.

Sad Shayari in hindi

Kasti Hai Purani Magar Dariya Badal Gaya,
Meri Talash Ka Bhi To Jariya Badal Gaya,
Na Shakl He Badli Na He Badla Mera Kirdaar,
Bas Logo Ke Dekhne Ka Nazariya Badal Gaya!! 😔

कश्ती है पुरानी मगर दरिया बदल गया,
मेरी तलाश का भी तो जरिया बदल गया,
न शकल बदली न ही बदला मेरा किरदार,
बस लोगों के देखने का नजरिया बदल गया!

motivational quotes by famous people

“Being in home is like magic moments, in a magic world, among maicians” 

“12--Lose Battles, But Win The War: Grand Strategy

Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the present battle and calculating ahead. Focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it.” 

“Do not dilute the truth of your potential. We often convince ourselves that we cannot change, that we cannot overcome the circumstances of our lives. That is simply not true. You have been blessed with immeasurable power to make positive changes in your life. But you can't just wish it, you can't just hope it, you can't just want it... you have to LIVE it, BE it, DO it.” 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Hindi Poems Poetry

तेरे लिबास से मोहब्बत की है,
तेरे एहसास से मोहब्बत की है,
तू मेरे पास नहीं फिर भी,
मैंने तेरी याद से मोहब्बत की है,
कभी तू ने भी मुझे याद किया होगाी,
मैंने उन लम्हों से मोहब्बत की है,
जिन में हो सिर्फ तेरी और मेरी बातें,
मैंने उन अल्फाज से मोहब्बत की है,
जो महकते हो तेरी मोहब्बत से,
मैंने उन जज्बात से मोहब्बत की है,
तुझ से मिलना तो अब एक ख्वाब लगता है,
इसलिए मैंने तेरे इंतजार से मोहब्बत की है.

Love quotes by famous people

Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow.

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.

Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you're in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.

Positive quotes by famous people

I've gotten nothing but warmth from the Black community and positive feedback.

Sometimes you're not even sure which of your stories were failures. There are things I've written that I thought were complete catastrophes when I finished with them that have gone on to generate some of my most positive feedback.

I don't know why people don't feel like being positive is much more powerful than being negative.

2 Line collection in hindi

तोड़ दिया इन कंपनी वालो ने ख़्वाब तुझे पाने का,
कहते है तेरा नंबर भी मेरी पहुंच से बाहर है।

रूबरू आपसे मिलने का मौका रोज नहीं मिलता,
इसलिए शब्दों से आप सब को छू लेता हूँ।

कहीं फिसल न जाऊं तेरे ख्यालों में चलते-चलते,
रोको अपनी यादों को मेरे शहर में बारिश हो रही है।

हजारों चेहरों में, एक तुम ही थी जिस पर हम मर मिटे,
वरना, ना चाहतों की कमी थी, और ना चाहने वालो की।

सूनो… एक साँस भी पूरी नहीं होती.. तुम्हें सोचे बिना,
तुमने ये कैसे सोचा कि पूरी जिंदगी गुजार लेंगे हम तेरे बिना।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

What they have done in Japan, which I find so inspirational, is they've brought the toilet out from behind the locked door. They've made it conversational. People go out and upgrade their toilet. They talk about it. They've sanitized it.

I don't really watch too many movies, but I try to watch inspirational pieces about other musicians. Musical documentaries truly inspire me.

Life quotes by famous people

I always do what makes me happy - it doesn't make sense to live life unhappily.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

When most people set out to change their lives, they often focus on all the external stuff, like a new job or a new location or new friends or a new romantic prospects and on and on. The reality is that changing your life starts with changing the way you see everything in your life.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sad Shayari in hindi

Zindagi Mein Bar Bar Sahara Nahi Milta,
Bar Bar Koi Pyar Se Pyara Nahi Milta,
Hai Jo Pas Use Sambhal Ke Rakhna,
Kho Kar Wo Fir Kabhi Dubara Nahi Milta! 🍃 🍂

ज़िंदगी में बार बार सहारा नही मिलता,
बार बार कोई प्यार से प्यारा नही मिलता,
है जो पास उसे संभाल के रखना,
खो कर वो फिर कभी दुबारा नही मिलता!

motivational quotes by famous people

“We have come here together so that you might know, through virtue of your own pain, your own hopelessness, your own fear, your own darkness and the lie of powerlessness, the very actual power of your own will, of the will of your soul.” 

“I often wished that more people understood the invisible side of things. Even the people who seemed to understand, didn't really.” 

“It will be better to spent our energy on reality; the tangible facts, not thoughts of the past.”

Hindi Poems Poetry

दुःख देकर सवाल करते हो,
तुम भी जानम कमाल करते हो,
देख कर पूछ लिया हाल मेरा,
चलो कुछ तो ख्याल करते हो,
शहर-ए दिल में ये उदासियाँ कैसी,
ये भी मुझसे सवाल करते हो,
मरना चाहें तो मर नहीं सकते,
तुम भी जीना मुहाल करते हो,
अब किस-किस की मिसाल दूँ तुम को,
हर सितम बे-मिसाल करते हो।

Love quotes by famous people

A friendship that like love is warm; A love like friendship, steady.

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.

A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won't be too bad.

Positive quotes by famous people

If I have affected someone in a positive way, that means a lot to me.

A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.

Positive characterizations are complex characterizations. That's all we need to know. They shouldn't be saccharine. They shouldn't feel like medicine.

2 Line collection in hindi

ज़ालिम ने दिल उस वक़्त तोडा,
जब हम उसके गुलाम हो गए।

बहुत मुश्किल है बंजारा मिजाजी,
सलीका चाहिये जनाब आवारगी में।

सच ये हे बेकार हमें ग़म होता हे,
जो चाहा था दुनिया में कम होता हे।

जो ये तीर फेंकते हो तुम, बेसबब जमाने पर,
ये भी याद रख लेना, तुम भी हो निशाने पर।

सितम तो ये है की हमारी सफों में शामिल हैं,
चराग बुझते ही खैमा बदलने वाले लोग।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

I used to think I was a gay man with this idea of a muse in my head, like a woman that I thought was inspirational or aspirational. But the woman was actually me.

I'm a gay disabled man who has become very successful. I don't get up in the morning and think I'm inspirational; I just get up thinking that I love horses.

I believe in the city as a natural human environment, but we must humanize it. It's art that will re-define public space in the 21st Century. We can make our cities diverse, inspirational places by putting art, dance and performance in all its forms into the matrix of street life.

Life quotes by famous people

Your life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and builder of your own life, fortune, destiny.

Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.

Life is all about balance, and there are certain times of the year - birthday, anniversary, holidays - that are meant to be enjoyed without guilt. That being said, Thanksgiving is a meal - it's not a Thanksgiving day, and it's not a Thanksgiving week.

Good morning every body

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sad Shayari in hindi

Kal khel mein main nahi rahoonga
Ijahaare mohabbat nahin karunga,
Aaj pal bhar sun lo phasaana mera,
Kal se koi gajal main nahin kahoonga! 🍃🍂

कल खेल में मैं नहीं रहूँगा
इजहारे मुहब्बत नहीं करुँगा,
आज पल भर सुन लो फसाना मेरा,
कल से कोई गजल मैं नहीं कहूँगा!

motivational quotes by famous people

“A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it.” 

“The only thing wrong with trying to please everyone is that there's always at least one person who will remain unhappy. You.” 

“Once we open our eyes to the infinite magic that the universe has in abundance, we are sure to be enthralled by what we see and this miraculous creation gets us closer to our dreams and to the world as a whole.” 

Hindi Poems Poetry

ये दिल किसी को पाना चाहता है,
और उसे अपना बनाना चाहता है।
खुद तो चाहता है ख़ुशी से धड़कना,
उसका दिल भी धड़काना चाहता है।
जो हँसी खो गई थी बरसों पहले कहीं,
फिर उसे लबों पर सजाना चाहता है।
तैयार है प्यार में साथ चलने के लिए,
उसके हर गम को अपनाना चाहता है।
मोहब्बत तो हो ही गई है अब तो.. पर,
अब उसी से ही ये छिपाना चाहता है।
ये दिल अब किसी को पाना चाहता है,
और उसे सिर्फ अपना बनाना चाहता है।।

Love quotes by famous people

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don't like them.

A friendship that like love is warm; A love like friendship, steady.

Positive quotes by famous people

I used to hear people say nobody can prepare you for fame, and it's actually very true. But there is such beauty that comes with it when you're able to use your platform in a positive way.

All the evidence, experimental and even a little theoretical, seems to indicate that it is the energy content which is involved in gravitation, and therefore, since matter and antimatter both represent positive energies, gravitation makes no distinction.

A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.

2 Line collection in hindi

मैंने पूछा कैसे जान जाते हो मेरे दिल की बातें,
वो बोली जब रूह में बसे हो फिर ये सवाल क्यूँ।

वो रख ले कहीं अपने पास हमें कैद करके,
काश की हमसे कोई ऐसा गुनाह हो जाये।

खुद को वो चाहे लाख मुकमल समझे,
लेकिन मेरे बिना वो मुझे अधूरा ही लगती है।

काश इक दिन ऐसा भी आये हम, तेरी बाहों में समा जाएँ,
सिर्फ हम हो और तुम हो और, वक्त ही ठहर जाए।

मुहब्बत होंठों से नहीं, उनसे निकली मीठी बातों से है..
क्यों कि मासूमियत चेहरे से कहीं ज्यादा, उसकी भोली आँखों में है।

Inspiring quotes by famous people

Reading was very important to me as a kid. It was very inspirational to me. I went to a school where that wasn't encouraged so much, but my parents encouraged that, and it has made me part of who I am.

When Maurice touched a keyboard, it was like something from a movie, magical. He would always give you something from a movie, and you'd go, what did you just play... immediately inspirational writings, amazing. That's what we're going to miss.

Life quotes by famous people

I believe much of the pain of a breakup comes from having a life plan that you have fallen in love with. When it does not work out, you become angry that you now have to pursue a new life plan.

I think it's important for little girls growing up, and young women, to have one in every walk of life. So from that point of view, I'm proud to be a role model!

If you truly believe in the value of life, you care about all of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society.

Sad Shayari in Hindi

Zara Si Zindagi Hai Armaan Bahut Hain,
Humdard Nahi Koi, Insan Bahut Hain,
Dil Ka Dard Sunaye To Sunaye Kisko,
Jo Dil Ke Kareeb Hain Wo Anjaan Bahut Hain! 😔

ज़रा सी ज़िंदगी है, अरमान बहुत हैं,
हमदर्द नहीं कोई, इंसान बहुत हैं,
दिल के दर्द सुनाएं तो किसको,
जो दिल के करीब है, वो अनजान बहुत हैं।